Selling food from a Titan hog roast.

At the age of 41, you might think that I am a little too old to be attending music festivals and sometimes I feel that I should really pack up the tent, throw it on the loft and just book a cruise instead, but why should I? I love my live music and always have. I don’t really care if I look old enough to most of the festival goers’ dad. Well, maybe it is a bit annoying. I went to my first festival in the mid eighties and went to at least one every year since until three years ago. It always looks horrendous on the TV as it is often muddy and pretty messy but it’s great fun, though the British summer can quite literally put a dampener on things! But three years ago, I lost my job. The recession had struck and I had lost my job of 15 years. It was a big shock. So, what was I going to do? was I going to sit there and feel sorry for myself and watch the world pass me by or was I going to do something about it? I chose the latter.

It’s strange how your mind works when you lose your job, in fact the first thing I thought was not how I would pay the mortgage but how I would afford the festival in the summer! Madness, but then that gave me a great idea. I was going to find a job where I may be able to still attend. I had been to many festivals where there was usually a wealth of catering stalls to choose from and I thought that this could be a great avenue to pursue, so I actually got in touch with a hog roast caterer who I knew was attending a local small folk festival. I asked if I could help him at the festival and he was very grateful.

Well, I loved it. What a great time we had. It was really busy even for a small festival and we were serving hog roast rolls all day. It was a lot of hard work but it was really great to be doing something so fun and enjoyable. More importantly, the customers adored the food we were serving. Admittedly one or two were worse for wear but the majority were stone cold sober and they really loved the great taste of the meat. That combination of hog roast meat, sauce, stuffing and crackling really is hand held comfort food at its very best. We served hundreds of people that three days and no-one ever said they didn’t like the food. The broad smiles told us all we needed to know! I think I had seen the future career of my dreams and it was distinctly hog roast shaped! It was time for me to do something about it. My hog roasting friend recommended I get the same machine he had, which was the Titan hog roast machine. It really was a great machine and performed flawlessly so I knew that it was going to be a great purchase. I couldn’t wait to get it home from the factory and plan my future out. It was my aim to specialise in festivals and country shows.

The Titan hog roast machine has been a total dream to work with. It is like the best ever kitchen appliance that you could think of and then multiplied by ten, it is that good. It really is built like a quality motor car and you can tell that great thought has gone into its design and construction. I understand that they are made right here in the United Kingdom, which is unusual in this day and age but welcome nonetheless. And you even get the peace of mind knowing that each one is CE and Gas Safe certificated. One of the best things about my purchase was the training and business support I got. Although I could always ask my hog roasting friend, it was great knowing that I could get in touch with the Titan hog roast team if I had a problem. Not that it’s happened, mind! I have catered at loads of events in the last three years including plenty of music festivals. It really is the best job I could ever have and in the Titan hog roast machine I have the very best tools of the trade at my disposal. Next time you are at a festival, give me a wave!