Is the Titan just good for cooking pigs?

One of the things that we are often asked about hog roast machines is whether they can be used to cook meats other than just pig. We know that many people either cannot eat pig for dietary or religious reasons or simply don’t like it so it would be a rather big mistake on our part if the hog roast machines we invested so much time and money in developing were only capable of cooking pigs. So, the good news is that Titan machines are certainly more than capable of cooking a wide variety of meats, plus other items too.

This may come as a surprise to some people, after all we do tend to use many photos of the Titan in our marketing material with a pig as the main meat, and we think this makes perfect sense as most of those people interested in buying a machine are likely to want it for that exact purpose, but look a little closer and you will see other photographs too that show just how versatile the Titan is.

The title hog roast caterer may have a rather one dimensional ring to it when it comes to job descriptions but we know that they are often busy serving up some great tasting alternatives in their machines, although in some hog roast machines it is not always that simple to accommodate a standard hog roast and alternative meats. It can be a bit of a juggling act that requires some careful planning. That is one of the reasons the Titan is a real star performer because it makes coping with cooking multiple meats extremely simple, and it is all thanks to the Titan’s fantastic dual cooking system. Now you may think that this is nothing special and recall your mum cooking a joint in the top of the oven and the vegetables in the bottom of the oven on many occasions but to have such fantastic and specious versatility in a hog roast machine really is special. You see, this means that you can go ahead and hog roast or spit roast a truly super pig on the top level of the machine and cook it to perfection as you normally would, whilst on the lower level you could have some beef cooking away along with some vegetables and potatoes perhaps. It sounds simple but this is the sort of versatility that makes the Titan a world beater when it comes to great hog roast machines. As a hog roast chef, you will find yourself needing to satisfy many demands night after night and this versatility will help you do just that.

The Titan’s dual cooking is one superb way to cook other meats but of course you don’t need to cook pig at all. The Titan hog roast machine excels in great cooking whatever the meat, so how about cooking some lamb instead or a huge joint of beef? Whether it is pig, lamb or beef you are guaranteed incredible flavours every time. But what if you are feeling the need for a little bird meat instead? Chicken is always a popular option at events so if pig is not on the menu, wouldn’t it be good if you could offer chicken instead. On the face of it, it may look as though cooking chicken is not an option but then you would not be taking into consideration the fantastic accessory that we call the Chicken Spit! Take one chicken into the party? No, how about thirty six! That’s right, the Titan chicken spit accessory really is a marvel when it comes to giving you amazing chicken cooking power by turning your Titan into a spitting chicken bar, just like you see in many supermarkets…only this is ten times better. The chicken spit’s capacity for thirty six birds not only allows you cook chicken beautifully but means you can a lot of people with delicious chicken. A great option for events and functions that do not want pig.

Experimentation in cooking is always a great way to discover new things so we always recommend that, when you get your Titan, you should try out cooking new meats and see how they come out. Some of the best food discoveries are happy cooking accidents, so why not get adventurous with that lamb, beef, chicken, pork, turkey or duck and see what you can come up with. Stuck with pig in your Titan? I think the evidence suggests otherwise!