Is my Titan built to last?

I love quality stuff, in fact I am a bit of a stickler for it. I have always demanded quality in everything I certainly don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I think that if you are spending good money then it is only fair that you should be rewarded with quality workmanship that gives you some reassurance that it is going to last rather than fall apart after a few months work. This applies to everything from clothes to cars. It may sound like I am too fussy but I am determined to get value for my money. Otherwise I may as well just burn twentypound notes! So, when I was looking for a new hog roast machine to replace my old ageing machine, I was not going to make a rush decision but take my time and look at all the available options.

Since I first started hog roasting about 12 years ago, it seems that there has been a huge surge of interest not only in hog roast as a catering option but in hog roast catering itself. It seems that more and more people are joining the industry, and that is certainly something I encourage. But what this also means is that there are more and more machines out there to choose from and you have to have your wits about you because you need to know a great machine from a not so great machine. There are plenty of not so great machines about so you do have to be careful. You can have a fancy advert and a fancy website to say how wonderful such a machine is but there is often a lot more to it than meets the eye. What is the machine going to be like after 12 months hard work being moved from hotel to car park to garden to field etc? You need to check just how tough these machines are and how well equipped they are for the tough times ahead, and that is why I did not have to take too long in making my decision.

The Titan hog roast machine is the machine I chose and I believe I have chosen very wisely indeed. As soon as I started reading up about the Titan hog roast machine, I could tell that this was a machine designed by people who knew all about the industry rather than by people sat behind desks who have never even cooked a hog roast. I think it is crucial that to make such a great machine you simply have to know how the business works, how caterers go about their work and understand just what is expected of a hog roast machine. Do the designers understand how things on the machine need to be easy to operate and how accessible everything should be? When you get those things right then you are half way to building a decent machine, and I am pleased to say that the Titan is a one hundred percent superb hog roasting machine!

If you look at the attention to detail, you will see what I mean. These Titan hog roast machines are truly well built, which I guess is what you would expect from a British engineered piece of equipment. Apparently they chose to build them here to maintain the superb quality, and it has worked. You really could not ask for more from a hog roast machine. What I particularly like about the Titan is the dual cooking options which really helps you diversify with what you are cooking. The dual heating controls really do help you take control over the food (rather than the food controlling you) and the gastronomes are an excellent touch, providing a simple solution when serving up sauce and stuffing. But look at how solid this thing is! Check out the castors for a start as it just goes to show how very well built this machine is. I have pushed my old machine over car parks and floors of terrible quality yet the Titan takes all in its stride. It is also as tough as old boots thanks to the great quality construction and stainless steel finish. It is built like a battering ram but I don’t think I’ll ever see how effective it is at that! The Titan hog roast machine really is a marvel of culinary engineering. Whether you are new to the industry or an old hand like me, don’t choose any other machine until you have sampled Titan.